Black Friday 20% off & FREE Shave Notes
TLDR: Black Friday through Cyber Monday enjoy 20% off site wide plus a FREE Shave Notes journal with any purchase. Promo Code BLACKFRIDAY
Wow, what a rollercoaster of a year! Nobody needs to be reminded of all the twists and turns we've seen in the last 12 months. Some have been pretty challenging, but a handful have been very nice (like being able to spend more time with family).
As Thanksgiving rolls around, one thing I am very thankful for is the unexpected path that Spearhead Shaving Company took in 2020. A year ago today I didn't have any plans to throw my hat in the shaving soap and aftershave arena. But a vintage bottle of Seaforth aftershave from the 1940's sparked yearlong project to develop a great soap and bring back the forgotten Seaforth brand.
With a lot of help from the wet shaving community, friends and family we launched our flagship soaps and aftershaves on October 1. The response has been overwhelming, and at times we have struggled to keep up with demand - a problem we never expected to have.
We are so grateful for those who have supported Spearhead this year. To share our thanks we're offering 20% off on all orders Black Friday through Cyber Monday (midnight to midnight) on everything in our shop including soap, aftershave, safety razor cases, and Shave Notes. Additionally, every order will receive a free Shave Notes wet shaving journal. Use promo code BLACKFRIDAY for the discounts and freebies.
Thanks very much for the support and encouragement in 2020. Our vision never could have become reality without the support of the wet shaving community. We wish everyone a great Thanksgiving and a happy holiday season.
Best regards,
Dennis & Family